Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies
Despite the high incidence of muscle injuries, degenerative joint or spine diseses and other musculoskeletal disorders like tendon or bone pathologies, the basic issue - biological regeneration - has not yet been solved in clinical practice. Since 2006 we have been working on translational therapies in the field of musculoskeletal regeneration with the aim to bring innovative regenerative approaches to the patient.
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Regenerative Orthopaedics - Consultation Hours: Monday 12:30 to 16:00 and Thursday 12:00 to 16:00
Outpatient Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery at the Charité Campus Mitte: Luisenstraße 64, 10117 Berlin ("Bettenhochhaus", 2nd level)
Click here for more information about how to make appointments.
Research and development of Musculoskeletal Advanced Therapies
Procedures that stimulate and support the self-healing processes of the human body have only recently arrived in medicine. The Department of Regenerative Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery has been successfully researching this field for years. Due to the close link between the hospital and research, the doctors offer a comprehensive range of the latest therapies and procedures for regenerative healing. Currently, the focus is mainly on the treatment of degenerative bone and muscle diseases (arthrosis, sarcopenia), muscle injuries, tendon diseases and osteonecrosis.
It is also well-known that immune cells influence healing and regeneration in musculoskeletal tissues. We therefore aim at discovering new immunomodulatory therapeutic options for clinical translation of regenerative therapy approaches.